Rewriting Your Brains For a Better Life

The human mind is a marvel of nature, a complex web of neurons, synapses, and intricate processes. What if we had the power to rewrite our minds, to reprogram our brains for a better life? This isn’t science fiction; it’s the reality of today’s neuroscience.


Recent Advances in Neuroscience


In recent years, magazines like Time and Newsweek have published articles about new advancements in neuroscience. Concepts such as neuroplasticity, mirror neurons, neurogenesis, and the social brain have all been discussed in various media outlets. These developments have drastically changed our perspective on psychotherapy.


Neuroplasticity: Rewriting your Brain


It was once believed that the brain you were born with was the brain you would die with. However, recent research has shown this to be untrue. Our brains aren’t hardwired; they are “soft-wired” by experience. This means that our experiences, both good and bad, can alter the structure and function of our brains.


The Power of Experience


The idea that our genes dictate our thoughts, emotions, and behaviour is outdated. Genes set potential and vulnerabilities, but they don’t dictate our thoughts or feelings. Instead, our experiences and behaviours can even turn our genes “on” or “off.” This means we have much more control over our minds and bodies than we ever believed.


Rewriting Your Brain For A Better Life


By learning how to change our brains, we can remain calm in stressful situations, improve our mood when feeling down, enhance our memory, foster better relationships, and achieve a good night’s sleep.


Remain Calm in Stressful Situations


Imagine being in a high-pressure meeting at work where everyone is looking to you for answers. Instead of panicking or freezing up, with a trained brain, you can approach the situation with a calm demeanor, think clearly, and provide solutions. This not only boosts your professional image but also helps in making effective decisions.


Improve Mood When Feeling Down


On days when everything seems to go wrong, from spilling coffee to missing an important deadline, a trained mind can help shift focus from the negatives to the positives. Instead of dwelling on the mishaps, you’d be able to acknowledge them, learn from any mistakes, and move forward with an optimistic outlook.


Enhance Memory


Remembering names at social events can be a challenge for many. With a trained brain, after being introduced to someone, you could recall their name hours or even days later, making social interactions more personal and meaningful.


Foster Better Relationships


Consider a disagreement with a loved one. Instead of resorting to blame or shutting down, a trained mind would promote active listening, understanding the other person’s perspective, and finding a middle ground. This approach strengthens bonds and reduces conflicts.


Achieve a Good Night’s Sleep


After a long, hectic day, you might often find yourself tossing and turning in bed, unable to switch off your racing thoughts. With brain training, you can learn relaxation techniques that prepare your mind for rest, allowing you to drift into a deep, rejuvenating sleep more easily.


The Fascinating Complexity of your Mind


The mind is a fascinating and complex organ that forms the core of our identity, thoughts, emotions, and desires. But what exactly happens in our minds? How does it function, and how can we maximize its potential?


What Exactly Happens In Your Mind?


The human mind is an intricate tapestry of thoughts, emotions, memories, and perceptions. It’s where we process information, make decisions, and form our understanding of the world around us. The mind is not just the brain; it’s the interplay of our conscious thoughts with our subconscious beliefs and our emotional responses.


– Conscious Mind: This is the part of our mind that we are aware of. It’s where we actively think, make decisions, and process the information we receive from our senses. It’s the “thinking” part of our brain.

– Subconscious Mind: Beneath our active thoughts lies the vast realm of the subconscious. It holds our memories, past experiences, beliefs, and automatic responses to situations. It’s like the hard drive of a computer, storing everything we’ve ever learned or experienced.

– Emotions and Feelings: Our mind is also where we experience emotions. These are complex reactions to our thoughts and experiences, and they can influence our decision-making and behaviour.


Rewriting Your Brain – The Power Of Brainwave Training


The mind functions through a complex network of neurons and synapses in the brain. These neurons communicate with each other using electrical and chemical signals.


– Information Processing: When we receive information, our brain processes it, compares it to stored memories, and then decides how to act. This happens in milliseconds.

– Learning and Adaptation: Our minds are constantly learning. When we encounter new information or experiences, our brain forms new neural pathways, and old ones can be strengthened or weakened. This neuroplasticity allows us to adapt and change throughout our lives.

– Emotional Regulation: The mind also plays a crucial role in regulating our emotions. Different parts of the brain are responsible for different emotions, and they work together to help us respond appropriately to our environment.


Awakened Mind Training is a groundbreaking approach to achieving the ultimate state of human efficiency, well-being, and balance through “brainwave training.” This training utilizes the four types of brainwaves – beta, alpha, theta, and delta – to convey information between the conscious and subconscious brain. By mastering these waves, we can heal ourselves from severe illnesses, enter creative states at will, become more effective leaders and problem solvers, and enhance our interpersonal relationships.



Awakening Your Mind


The ultimate goal of brainwave training might be to achieve the “awakened mind” pattern. This state of mind is clearer, sharper, faster, and more flexible than ordinary states. Information flows more easily between the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious levels. Intuition, insight, and empathy increase and become more integrated into regular consciousness.


Applications In Daily Life


Mastering our brainwaves can lead to greater creativity, self-healing, better overall health, relaxation, stress management, resolution of emotional issues, increased work productivity, understanding and improvement of relationships, greater self-awareness, and spiritual growth. We don’t need to achieve the Awakened Mind state to experience these benefits.




Our mind is a powerful tool, and by understanding and applying the principles of brainwave training, we can unlock its potential and lead a life that’s richer, more fulfilling, and in harmony with ourselves and the world around us. It’s time to embrace the mysterious workings of our mind and explore what it truly means to be human.


Awakened Mind Training by Suzanne.

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